Pay Your Final Respects to Su Beng: September 24-October 12, 2019
Here are the details (in Chinese from Su Beng’s Facebook page) for anyone in Taipei wishing to pay their last respects to Su Beng. The location is: 10491台北市中山區民權東路二段158號 and visitation hours are from September 24-October 12, 2019, 8:30am to 8:00pm:
課程時間:08:30-20:00 *懇辭花籃,現場備有獻花、名冊提供致意。 *歡迎同志、故友、親朋到場敘舊。 歐吉桑百無禁忌,不管過去認不認識歐吉桑,歡迎大家就來跟他說說話。只是現場沒有燒香,純粹默哀悼念。 現場也有文宣讓大家自由取閱故友、親朋到場敘舊。 歐吉桑百無禁忌,不管過去認不認識歐吉桑,歡迎大家就來跟他說說話。只是現場沒有燒香,純粹默哀悼念。 現場也有文宣讓大家自由取閱
Below are some of the photos I took when I stopped by the funeral home to pay my respects.
guest book and altar offerings