Update #15 on the Making History Crowdfunding Campaign

I couldn't sleep after having this conversation with a friend of mine about the MAKING HISTORY campaign. So what did I do? I shot a video about it around 5am this morning!

Now that MAKING HISTORY has reached its funding goal of $15,000, I have really been thinking about what I can do with the extra funding.

Then I realized what Su Beng really needs a new computer or tablet. I've noticed that this need in the past. His computer is kind of old and we've had some technical difficulties during some of our Skype calls. With improved picture and sound quality it would be much easier for him to do Skype calls!

SB Skype.jpg

I think this would be a great Lunar New Year gift to give to him!

So if funding reaches $16,000, I will purchase and set up a new computer for Su Beng.

I'm thinking that with over 100 contributors to this campaign, if each one asked just 1 person to donate $10, another $1,000 could be raised in no time! Or if 56 people donated $10 each, we'd reach the goal. 

So, if you know of someone who hasn't contributed to MAKING HISTORY yet, here's a good reason for them to do so!

Thank you for your continued support!
