The TIAM will be out on the campaign trail

When I last spoke to Su Beng he said that he'd be taking the Taiwan Independence Action Motorcade to Tai Dong in December in a show of support of Tsai Ing-Wen, the Democratic Progressive Party Presidential candidate who will be campaigning there.

Here's the travel schedule of the Taiwan Independence Action Motorcade (TIAM) for the next few weeks:

12/07 9:00AM 台北出發→桃園→新竹→苗栗→台中 (住台中)
Start at 9:00 AM from Taipei→Taoyuan→ Hsinchu→Miaoli→Taichung

12/08 9:00AM 台中出發 台中宣傳 (住台中)
Start at 9:00 AM from Taichung. The TIAM will make its rounds in Taichung

12/09 9:00AM 台中出發→彰化→雲林→嘉義 (住嘉義)
Start at 9:00 AM from Taichung→Changhwa →Yulin→Chiayi

12/10 9:00AM 嘉義出發 嘉義宣傳 (住嘉義)
Start at 9:00 AM. The TIAM will make its rounds in Chiayi

12/11 AM9:00嘉義出發→台南→高雄 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM from Chiayi→Tainan→Kaohsiung

12/12 9:00AM 高雄出發 高雄宣傳 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM. The TIAM will make its rounds in Kaohsiung

12/13 9:00AM 高雄出發 高雄宣傳 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM. The TIAM will make its rounds in Kaohsiung

12/14 台南成功大學(下午2點) (住高雄)
National Cheng Kung University in Tainan @ 2pm

12/15 9:00AM 高雄出發→台東 (住台東)
Start at 9:00 AM from Kaohsiung→Tai Dong

12/16 9:00AM 台東出發→玉里 (住玉里)
Start at 9:00 AM from Tai Dong→Yuli

12/17 9:00AM 玉里出發→花蓮 (住花蓮)
Start at 9:00 AM from Yuli→Hualien

12/18 9:00AM 花蓮出發 花蓮宣傳 (住花蓮)
Start at 9:00 AM from Hualien, The TIAM will make its rounds in Hualien

12/19 9:00AM 花蓮出發→高雄 (住高雄)
Start at 9:00 AM from Hualien→Kaohsiung

12/20 9:00AM 高雄出發→台中 (住台中)
Start at 9:00 AM from Kaohsiung→Taichung

12/21 9:00AM 台中出發→苗栗→新竹→桃園→台北
Start at 9:00 AM from Taichung→Miaoli→Hsinchu→Taoyuan→Taipei

Here are some photos from November 24th of Su Beng campaigning for Tsai Ing-Wen around Taipei: